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麻甩熊是由香港本地設計公司 Dinest Production 以推廣「真‧香港;堅‧貼地」香港文化而設計出來的原創角色,形象麻甩, 充滿香港風味引發香港人最親切的共鳴。

「麻甩熊」設定熱愛香港文化及美食, 尤其最愛大排檔「煲仔飯」及懷舊冰室「菠蘿油」, 希望透過以麻甩熊簡單輕鬆繪畫, 引發香港人的歡笑共鳴,  同時亦希望可以藉此成為其中一個具香港代表性的角色, 將香港本土文化或美食展現給其他國家, 令有更多地方認識香港懷舊美食, 令傳統美食文化得以保存。



Maludbear was created in 2018, which is inspired by the designer's lifestyle and her facial expression, she is always described as a  "MaLud '' Girl style. ("MaLud" is a Cantonese adjective to describe someone who is slovenly and unrefined, and can be also described as a free-style ideology.

The designer thinks the word "MaLud" can be a part of a special concept with a local hong kong style, so she put this idea into a character, that's why MaLudbear was born.  She hopes to strike a chord for Hongkongers or arouse people's interest in Hong Kong style, and hopefully to maintain some old Hong Kong styles that may be forgotten nowadays. 

MaLudBear was a Brown Bear in one unknown forest in Hong Kong somewhere, however, he is so kind and not good at hunting other animals for food. One day, he and his grandma, Mrs. Old MaLud came to the town city of Hong Kong, they just found there are many delicious foods in this area, so they decided not to go back to the forest and stay for life. 

MaLudBear likes Hong Kong cultural things and foods, especially the buttered pineapple-bun, and the food inside Dai Pai Dong. He always eats everywhere, and he becomes fat and slovenly, which is one characteristic of the adjective MaLud.

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